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The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898

( ACT NO. V OF 1898 )

Chapter XV


A.-Place of Inquiry or Trial

Power to issue summons or warrant for offence committed beyond local jurisdiction
186.(1) When 1[a Metropolitan Magistrate] 2[or a Magistrate of the first class], sees reason to believe that any person within the local limits of his jurisdiction has committed without such limits (whether within or without Bangladesh, an offence which cannot, under the provisions of sections 177 to 3[183] (both inclusive), or any other law for the time being in force, be inquired into or tried within such local limits, but is under some law for the time being in force triable in Bangladesh, such Magistrate may inquire into the offence as if it had been committed within such local limits and compel such person in manner hereinbefore provided to appear before him, and send such person to the Magistrate having jurisdiction to inquire into or try such offence, or, if such offence is bailable, take a bond with or without sureties for his appearance before such Magistrate.

  • 1
    The words "a Metropolitan Magistrate" were inserted by section 2 and Schedule of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance No. LXXXVI of 1976)
  • 2
    The words “or a Magistrate of the first class” were substituted for the words and commas “, a District Magistrate, Sub-divisional Magistrate, or, if he is specially empowered in this behalf by the Government, a Magistrate of the first class” by section 61 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2009 (Act No. XXXII of 2009) (with effect from 1st November, 2007).
  • 3
    The figure "183" was substituted, for the figure "184" by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
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