Chapter XX
Procedure when no such admission is made
244.(1) If the Magistrate does not convict the accused under the preceding section or if the accused does not make such admission, the Magistrate shall proceed to hear the complainant (if any), and take all such evidence as may be produced in support of the prosecution, and also to hear the accused and take all such evidence as he produces in his defence:
Provided that the Magistrate shall not be bound to hear any person as complainant in any case in which the complaint has been made by a Court.
(2) The Magistrate may, if he thinks fit, on the application of the complainant or accused, issue a summons to any witness directed him to attend or to produce any document or other thing.
(3) The Magistrate may, before summoning any witness on such application, require that his reasonable expenses, incurred in attending for the purposes of the trial, be deposited in Court.
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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs