Execution of sentence of whipping, in addition to imprisonment
391. (1) When the accused-
(a) is sentenced to whipping only and furnishes bail to the satisfaction of the Court for his appearance at such time and place as the Court may direct, or
(b) is sentenced to whipping in addition to imprisonment,
the whipping shall not be inflicted until fifteen days from the date of the sentence, or, if an appeal is made within that time, until the sentence is confirmed by the Appellate Court, but the whipping shall be inflicted as soon as practicable after the expiry of the fifteen days, or, in case of an appeal, as soon as practicable after the receipt of the order of the Appellate Court confirming the sentence.
(2) The whipping shall be inflicted in the presence of the officer in charge of the jail, unless the Judge or Magistrate orders is to be inflicted in his own presence.
(3) No accused person shall be sentenced to whipping in addition to imprisonment when the term of imprisonment to which he is sentenced is less than three months.