Execution of sentences on escaped convicts
396.(1) When sentence is passed under this Code on an escaped convict, such sentence, if of death, fine or whipping, shall, subject to the provisions hereinbefore contained, take effect immediately, and, if of imprisonment, or transportation, shall take effect according to the following rules, that is to say-
(2) If the new sentence is severer in its kind than the sentence which such convict was undergoing when he escaped, the new sentence shall take effect immediately.
(3) When the new sentence is not severer in its kind than the sentence the convict was undergoing when he escaped, the new sentence shall take effect after he has suffered imprisonment, or transportation, as the case may be, for a further period equal to that which, at the time of his escape, remained unexpired of his former sentence.
Explanation-For the purposes of this section-
(a) a sentence of transportation shall be deemed severer than a sentence of imprisonment;
(b) a sentence of imprisonment with solitary confinement shall be deemed severer than a sentence of the same description of imprisonment without solitary confinement; and
(c) a sentence of rigorous imprisonment shall be deemed severer than a sentence of simple imprisonment with or without solitary confinement.