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The Government Buildings Act, 1899

( ACT NO. IV OF 1899 )

Exemption of certain Government buildings from municipal laws to regulate the erection, etc., of buildings within municipalities
3. Nothing contained in any law or enactment for the time being in force to regulate the erection, re-erection, construction, alteration or maintenance of buildings within the limits of any municipality shall apply to any building used or required for the public service or for any public purpose, which is the property, or in the occupation, of the Government, or which is to be erected on land which is the property, or in the occupation, of the Government:
Provided that, where the erection, re-erection, construction or material structural alternation of any such building as aforesaid (not being a building connected with defence, or a building the plan or construction of which ought, in the opinion of Government, to be treated as, confidential or secret) is contemplated, reasonable notice of the proposed work shall be given to the municipal authority before it is commenced.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs