The Electricity Act, 1910

( ACT NO. IX OF 1910 )

Protective Clauses

31. Protection of railways and canals, docks, wharves and piers

32. Protection of telegraphic, telephonic and electric signalling lines

33. Notice of accidents and inquiries

34. Prohibition of connection with earth, and power for Government to interfere in certain cases of default

Administration and Rules

35. Advisory Board

36A. [Omitted]

36. Appointment of Electric Inspectors

37. Power for Board to make rules

38. Further provisions respecting rules

Criminal Offences and Procedure

39. Penalty for dishonest abstraction, etc. of energy

39A. Penalty for installation of artificial means, etc.

40A. Penalty for the theft of line materials, tower members, equipments, etc., from any electric supply system

40B. Penalty for dishonestly receiving stolen property

40. Penalty for maliciously wasting energy or injuring works

41. Penalty for unauthorized supply of energy by non-licensees

42. Penalty for illegal or defective supply or for non-compliance with order

43. Penalty for illegal transmission or use of energy

44. Penalty for interference with meters or licensee’s works and for improper use of energy

44A. Penalty for abettors in certain offences

45. Penalty for extinguishing public lamps

46. Penalty for negligently wasting energy or injuring works

47. Penalty for offences not otherwise provided for

48. Penalties not to affect other liabilities

49. Penalties where works belong to Government

49A. Offences by companies

50A. Power of Magistrate to pass sentence, impose fine

50. Institution of prosecutions


51. Exercise in certain cases of powers of telegraph-authority

52. Arbitration

52A. Bar to jurisdiction of Civil Courts

53. Service of notices, orders or documents

54. Recovery of sums recoverable under certain provisions of Act

54B. Requisition of police assistance

54A. Charges for supply of energy recoverable as arrears of land revenues

54C. Bar of Jurisdiction

55. Delegation of certain functions of Government to Electric Inspectors

56. Protection for acts done in good faith

57. [Omitted]

58. [Omitted]

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs