Licensee not to purchase, or associate himself with other licensed undertakings or transfer his undertakings
9. (1) The licensee shall not, at any time without the previous consent in writing of the Government, acquire, by purchase or otherwise, the license or the undertaking of, or associate himself so far as the business of supplying energy is concerned with, any person supplying, or intending to supply, energy under any other license, and, before applying for such consent, the licensee shall give not less than one month's notice of the application to every local authority, both in the licensee's area of supply, and also in the area or district in which such other person supplies, or intends to supply, energy:
Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall be construed to require the consent of the Government for the supply of energy by one licensee to another in accordance with the provisions of clause IX of the Schedule.
(2) The licensee shall not at any time assign his license or transfer his undertaking, or any part thereof, by sale, mortgage, lease, exchange or otherwise without the previous consent in writing of the Government.
(3) Any agreement relating to any transaction of the nature described in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), unless made with, or subject to such consent as aforesaid, shall be void.