Alteration of pipes or wires
14. (1) Any licensee may alter the position of any pipe (not forming, in a case where the licensee is not a local authority, part of a local authority's main sewer), or of any wire under or over any place which he is authorised to open or break up, if such pipe or wire is likely to interfere with the exercise of his powers under this Act; and any person may alter the position of any electric supply-lines or works of a licensee under or over any such place as aforesaid, if such electric supply-lines or works are likely to interfere with the lawful exercise of any powers vested in him.
(2) In any such case as aforesaid the following provisions shall, in the absence of an agreement to the contrary between the parties concerned, apply, namely:-
(a) not less than one month before commencing any alteration, the licensee or other person desiring to make the same (hereinafter in this section referred to as “the operator”) shall serve upon the person for the time being entitled to the pipe, wire, electric supply-lines or works as the case may be (hereinafter in this section referred to as “the owner”), a notice in writing, describing the proposed alteration, together with a section and plan thereof on a scale sufficiently large to show clearly the details of the proposed works, and not in any case smaller than one inch to eight feet vertically and sixteen inches to the mile horizontally, and intimating the time when it is to be commenced, and shall subsequently give such further information in relation thereto as the owner may desire;
(b) within fourteen days after the service of the notice, section and plan upon the owner, the owner may serve upon the operator a requisition to the effect that any question arising upon the notice, section or plan shall be determined by arbitration, and thereupon the mater shall, unless settled by agreement, be determined by arbitration;
(c) every arbitrator to whom a reference is made under clause (b) shall have regard to any duties or obligations which the owner is under, and may require the operator to execute any temporary or other works so as to avoid, as far as possible, interference therewith;
(d) where no requisition is served upon the operator under clause (b) within the time named, or where such a requisition has been served and the matter has been settled by agreement or determined by arbitration, the alteration may, upon payment or securing of any compensation accepted for determined by arbitration, be executed in accordance with the notice, section and plan and subject to such modifications as may have been determined by arbitration or agreed upon between the parties;
(e) the owner may, at any time before the operator is entitled to commence the alteration, serve upon the operator a statement in writing to the effect that he desires to execute the alteration himself and requires the operator to give such security for the repayment of any expenses as may be agreed upon or, in default of agreement, determined by arbitration;
(f) where a statement is served upon the operator under clause (e), he shall, not less than forty-eight hours before the execution of the alteration is required to be commenced, furnish such security and serve upon the owner a notice in writing intimating the time when the alteration is required to be commenced, and the manner in which it is required to be made; and thereupon the owner may proceed to execute the alteration as required by the operator;
(g) where the owner declines to comply, or does not, within the time and in the manner prescribed by a notice served upon him under clause (f), comply with the notice, the operator may himself execute the alteration;
(h) all expenses properly incurred by the owner in complying with a notice served upon him by the operator under clause (f) may be recovered by him from the operator.
(3) Where the licensee or other person desiring to make the alteration makes default in complying with any of these provisions, he shall make full compensation for any loss or damage incurred by reason thereof, and, where any difference or dispute arises as to the amount of such compensation, the matter shall be determined by arbitration.