Laying of electric supply-lines or other works near sewers, pipes or other electric supply-lines or works
15. (1) Where-
(a) the licensee requires to dig or sink any trench for laying down any new electric supply-lines or other works, near to which any sewer, drain, water-course or work under the control of the Government or of any local authority, or any pipe, syphon, electric supply-line or other work belonging to any duly authorised person, has been lawfully placed, or
(b) any duly authorised person requires to dig or sink any trench for laying down or constructing any new pipes or other works, near to which any electric supply-lines or works of a licensee have been lawfully placed,
the licensee or such duly authorised person, as the case may be (hereinafter in this section referred to as “the operator”), shall, unless it is otherwise agreed upon between the parties interested or in case of sudden emergency, give to the Government or local authority, or to such duly authorised person or to the licensee, as the case may be (hereinafter in this section referred to as “the owner”), [immediate intimation in writing by special messenger or by telephonic message followed by written intimation] before commencing to dig or sink the trench and the owner shall have the right to be present during the execution of the work, which shall be executed to the reasonable satisfaction of the owner.
(2) Where the operator finds it necessary to undermine, but not to alter, the position of any pipe, electric supply-line or work, he shall support it in position during the execution of the work, and before completion shall provide a suitable and proper foundation for it where so undermind.
(3) Where the operator (being the licensee) lays any electric supply-line across, or so as to be liable to touch, any pipes, lines or service-pipes or service-lines belonging to any duly authorised person or to any person supplying, transmitting or using energy under this Act, he shall not, except with the written consent of such person and in accordance with section 34, sub-section (1), lay his electric supply-lines so as to come into contact with any such pipes, lines or service-pipes or service-lines.
(4) Where the operator makes default in complying with any of the provisions of this section, he shall make full compensation for any loss or damage incurred by reason thereof.
(5) Where any difference or dispute arises under this section, the matter shall be determined by arbitration.
(6) Where the licensee is a local authority, the references in this section to the local authority and to sewers, drains, water-courses or works under its control shall not apply.