Power for licensee to enter premises and to remove fittings or other apparatus of licensee
20. (1) A licensee or any person duly authorised by a licensee may, at any reasonable time, and on informing the occupier of his intention, enter any premises to which energy is or has been supplied by him, for the purpose of-
(a) inspecting and testing the electric supply-lines, meters, fittings, works, and apparatus for the supply of energy belonging to the licensee; or
(b) ascertaining the amount of energy supplied or the electrical quantity contained in the supply; or
(c) removing, where a supply of energy is no longer required, or where the licensee is authorised to take away and cut off such supply, any electric supply-lines meters, fittings, works or apparatus belonging to the licensee.
(2) A licensee or any person authorised as aforesaid may also, in pursuance of a special order in this behalf made by the [Magistrate of the 1st class], and after giving not less than twenty-four hours' notice in writing to the occupier, enter any premises to which energy is or has been supplied, or is to be supplied, by him for the purpose of examining and testing the electric wires, fittings, works and apparatus for the use of energy belonging to the consumer.
(3) Where a consumer refuses to allow a licensee or any person authorised as aforesaid to enter his premises in pursuance of the provisions of sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), or, when such licensee or person has so entered, refuses to allow him to perform any act which he is authorised by those sub-sections to perform, or fails to give reasonable facilities for such entry or performance, the licensee may, after the expiry of twenty-four hours from the service of a notice in writing on the consumer, cut off the supply to the consumer for so long as such refusal or failure continues, but for no longer.