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The Electricity Act, 1910

( ACT NO. IX OF 1910 )


Discontinuance of supply to consumer neglecting to pay charge
24. (1) Where any person neglects to pay 1[within the period stated therein in the bill] any charge for energy or any sum, other than a charge for energy, due from him to a licensee in respect of the supply of energy to him, the licensee may, after giving not less than 2[ten] clear days' notice in writing to such person and without prejudice to his right to recover such charge or other sum by suit, cut off the supply and for that purpose cut or disconnect any electric supply-line or other works, being the property of the licensee, through which energy may be supplied, and may discontinue the supply until such charge or other sum, together with any expenses incurred by him in cutting off and re-connecting the supply, are paid, but no longer.
(2) Where any difference or dispute has been referred under this Act to an Electric Inspector before notice as aforesaid has been given by the licensee, the licensee shall not exercise the powers conferred by this section until the Inspector has given his decision:
Provided that the prohibition contained in this sub-section shall not apply in any case in which the licensee has made a request in writing to the consumer for a deposit with the Electric Inspector of the amount of the licensee's charges or other sums in dispute or for the deposit of the licensee's charges or other sums in dispute or for the deposit of the licensee's further charges for energy as they accrue, and the consumer has failed to comply with such request.

  • 1
    The words “within the period stated therein in the bill” were inserted by section 7 of the Electricity (Amendment) Ordinance, 1983 (Ordinance No. XLII of 1983).
  • 2
    The word “ten” was substituted, for the word “seven” by section 7 of the Electricity (Amendment) Ordinance, 1983 (Ordinance No. XLII of 1983).
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