Protective Clauses
Prohibition of connection with earth, and power for Government to interfere in certain cases of default
34. (1) No person shall, in the generation, transmission, supply or use of energy, permit any part of his electric supply-lines to be connected with earth except so far as may be prescribed in this behalf or may be specially sanctioned by the Government.
(2) If at any time it is established to the satisfaction of the Government-
(a) that any part of an electric supply-line is connected with earth contrary to the provisions of sub-section (1), or
(b) that any electric supply-lines or other works for the generation, transmission, supply or use of energy are attended with danger to the public safety or to human life or injuriously affect any telegraph-line, or
(c) that any electric supply-lines or other works are defective so as not to be in accordance with the provisions of this Act or of any rule thereunder,
the Government may, by order in writing, specify the matter complained of and require the owner or user of such electric supply-lines or other works to remedy it in such manner as shall be specified in the order, and may also in like manner forbid the use of any electric supply-line or works until the order is complied with or for such time as is specified in the order.