Criminal Offences and Procedure
Penalty for dishonest abstraction, etc. of energy
[ [39. (1) Whoever dishonestly abstracts, consumes or uses energy shall be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than one year but which may extend to three years and shall also be liable to a fine of ten thousand taka.
Explanation 1.-The existence of any device, contrivance or artificial means for such abstraction, consumption or use shall be prima facie evidence of dishonest abstraction, consumption or use.
Explanation 2 - A person shall be deemed to have dishonestly abstracted, consumed or used energy, if he is found-
(a) to have tampered or interfered with the set order of wiring connection of any meter, measuring apparatus, including Kilowatt meter, Kilowatt hour meter, Kilowatt ampere hour meter, kilovolt ampere meter, kilovolt ampere reactive hour meter, current transformers, potential transformers or their respective fuses installed by the licensee for the supply and registration of energy; or
(b) to have prevented by drilling hole in the casing, covering or glass, or by jamming the mechamism by mechanical, magnetic or by any other means, any meter, maximum demand indicator or other measuring apparatus from duly registering the amount of energy supplied or the electrical quantity contained in the supply; or
(c) to have connected, without written consent of the licensee, his installations, appliances, and apparatus for the consumption or use of energy with the licensee's work directly without passing through a meter, maximum demand indicator or other measuring apparatus.
(2) A person who after being convicted under sub-section (1), is convicted for the second or subsequent times, he shall, for every such second or subsequent conviction, be punishable with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than three years but which may extend to five years and shall also be liable to fine which may extend to twenty thousand taka.]