Administration and Rules
Power for Board to make rules
37. (1) The Government may make rules for the whole of [Bangladesh] or any part thereof, to regulate the generation, transmission, supply and use of energy, and, generally, to carry out the purposes and objects of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may-
(a) prescribe the form of applications for licenses and the payments to be made in respect thereof;
(b) regulate the publication of notices;
(c) prescribe the manner in which objections with reference to any application under Part II are to be made;
(d) provide for the preparation and submission of accounts by licensees in a specified form;
(e) provide for the securing of a regular, constant and sufficient supply of energy by licensees to consumers and for the testing at various parts of the system of the regularity and sufficiency of such supply and for the examination of the records of such tests by consumers;
(f) provide for the protection of persons and property from injury by reason of contact with, or the proximity of, or by reason of the defective or dangerous condition of, any appliance or apparatus used in the generation, transmission, supply or use of energy;
(g) for the purposes of electric traction regulate the employment of insulated returns, or of uninsulated metallic returns of low resistance, in order to prevent fusion or injurious electrolytic action of or on metallic pipes, structures or substances, and to minimise, as far as is reasonably practicable, injurious interference with the electric wires, supply-lines and apparatus of parties other than the owners of the electric traction system, or with the currents therein, whether the earth is used as a return or not;
(h) provide for preventing telegraph-lines and magnetic observatories or laboratories from being injuriously affected by the generation, transmission, supply or use of energy;
(i) prescribe the qualifications to be required of Electric Inspectors;
(j) authorise any Electric Inspector or other officer of a specified rank and class to enter, inspect and examine any place, carriage or vessel in which he has reason to believe any appliance or apparatus used in the generation, transmission, supply or use of energy to be, and to carry out tests therein, and to prescribe the facilities to be given to such Inspectors or officers for the purposes of such examinations and tests;
(k) authorise and regulate the levy of fees for any such testing or inspection and, generally, for the services of Electric Inspectors under this Act; and
(l) provide for any matter which is to be or may be prescribed.
(3) [Omitted by section 4 of the Electricity (East Pakistan Amendment) Ordinance, 1959 (Ordinance No. XVIII of 1959).]
(4) In making any rule under this Act, the Electricity Board may direct that every breach thereof shall be punishable with fine which may extend to [one thousand taka], and, in the case of a continuing breach, with a further daily fine which may extend to [one hundred taka].