The Patents And Designs Act, 1911

( ACT NO. II OF 1911 )

এই আইন বাংলাদেশ শিল্প-নকশা আইন, ২০২৩ (২০২৩ সনের ২২ নং আইন) দ্বারা রহিত করা হইয়াছে।

1♣An Act to amend the law relating to the protection of Inventions and Designs

WHEREAS it is expedient to amend the law relating to the protection of inventions and designs; It is hereby enacted as follows:-



1. Short title, extent and commencement

2. Definitions

Application for and Grant of Patent

3. Application

4B. Provisional protection

4. Specifications

4A. Time for leaving complete specification

5. Proceedings upon application

6. Advertisement on acceptance of application

7. Effect of acceptance of application

8. [Repealed]

9. Opposition to grant of patent

10. Grant and sealing of patent

11. Date of patent

12. Effect, extent and form of patent

13. Fraudulent applications for patents

13A. Single patent for cognate inventions

Term of Patent

14. Term of patent

15. Extension of term of patent

15A. Patents of addition

16. Restoration of lapsed patent

Amendment of Application or Specification

17. Amendment of application or specification by Registrar

18. Amendment of specification by the Court

19. Restriction on recovery of damages

Register of Patents

20. Register of Patents


21. Patent to bind Government

21A. Assignment of patent to the Government

Compulsory Licenses and Revocation

22. Compulsory licenses and revocation

23A. Operation of order under section 22 or section 23

23. Revocation of patents worked outside Bangladesh

24. Power of Registrar to revoke surrendered patent

25. Revocation of patent on public grounds

Legal Proceedings

26. Petition for revocation of patent

27. Notice of proceedings to persons interested

28. Framing issue for trial before other Courts

29. Suits for infringement of patents

30. Exemption of innocent infringer from liability for damages

31. Order for inspection, etc., in suit

32. Certificate of validity questioned and costs thereon

33. Transmission of decrees and orders to the Registrar

34. [Omitted]

35. Hearing with assessor

35A. Grant of relief in respect of particular claims

36. Remedy in case of groundless threats of legal proceedings


37. Grant of patents to two or more persons

38. Public use or knowledge of invention

38A. Disconformity

39. Loss or destruction of patent

40. Provisions as to exhibitions and readings before learned societies

41. Models to be furnished to the National Museum of Bangladesh

42. Foreign vessels in Bangladesh waters

Registration of Designs

43. Application for registration of designs

44. Registration of designs in new classes

45. Certificate of registration

46. Register of Designs

Copyright in Registered Designs

47. Copyright on registration

48. Requirements before delivery on sale

49. Effect of disclosure on copyright

50. Inspection of registered designs

51. Information as to existence of copyright

51B. Registration of designs to bind the Government

51A. Cancellation of registration

Industrial and International Exhibitions

52. Provisions as to exhibitions.

Legal Proceedings

53. Piracy of registered design

54. Application of certain provisions of the Act as to Patents and Designs

Registration of Designs
Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks and Proceedings thereat

55. Appointments of state Registrar, etc.

56. [Omitted]


57. Fees

Provisions as to Registers and other Documents in the Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks

58. Notice of trust not to be entered in registers

59. Inspection of and extracts from registers

59A. Information relating to patents

60. Privilege of reports of Registrar

61. Prohibition of publication of specification, drawings, etc., where application abandoned, etc.

62. Power for Registrar to correct clerical errors

63. Entry of assignments and transmissions in registers

64. Rectification of register

Powers and Duties of Registrar

65. Power of Registrar in proceedings under Act

66. Publication of patented inventions

67. Exercise of discretionary power by Registrar

68. Power of Registrar to take directions of the Government

69. Refusal to grant patent, etc., in certain cases

70. Appeals to the Government

Evidence, etc,

70A. Evidence before the Registrar

71. Certificate of Registrar to be evidence

71A. Evidence of documents in Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks

72. Transmission of copies of specifications, etc., and inspection thereof

73. Applications and notices by post

74A. Security for costs

74. Declaration by infant, lunatic, etc.


75. Subscription and verification of certain documents

76. Agency

Powers, etc. of Government

77. Power for Government to make rules


78. Wrongful use of words Department of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks

[Reciprocal arrangements with the United Kingdom and other parts of His Majesty’s dominions.

78A. Reciprocal arrangements with the United Kingdom and other parts of His Majesty’s dominions

Savings and Repeal

79. Savings for prerogative

80. [Repealed]

81. [Repealed]
