Power to make rules
10. (1) The Government may, after previous publication, make rules for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) regulating the expenditure of the money received by the Committee under this Act or any other Act;
(b) the term of office of members of the Committee;
(c) the circumstances in which and the authority by which any member may be removed;
(d) the quorum of the Committee;
(e) the minimum number of meetings of the Committee during any year;
(f) the maintenance by the Committee of a record of all business transacted and the submission of copies of such records to the Government;
(g) the powers of the Committee to enter into contracts which shall be binding on the Committee and the manner in which such contracts shall be executed;
(h) the travelling allowances of members of the Committee and of their remuneration, if any;
(i) the powers of the Committee in respect of the appointment, promotion and dismissal of officers and servants of the Committee, and in respect of the creation and abolition of appointments of such officers or servants;
(j) the grant of pay (which shall not, except in the case of a person having specialist's qualifications, exceed two thousand Taka per mensem) and leave to officers and servants of the Committee, and the payment of leave allowances to such officers and servants, and the remuneration to be paid to any person appointed to act for any officer or servant to whom leave is granted;
(k) the payment of pensions, gratuities, compassionate allowances and travelling allowances to officers and servants of the Committee;
(l) the establishment and maintenance of a provident fund for the officers and servants of the Committee, and for the deduction of subscriptions to such provident fund from the pay and allowances of such officers and servants other than Government servants whose services have been lent or transferred to the Committee;
(m) the budget estimates of the annual receipts and expenditure of its funds and of supplementary estimates of expenditure not included in the budget estimates, and the manner in which such estimates shall be sanctioned and published;
(n) the powers of the Committee, the Finance Sub-Committee, if any, the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman respectively, in regard to the expenditure from its funds whether provision has or has not been made in the budget estimates or by re appropriation for such expenditure, and in regard to the re appropriation of estimated savings in the budget estimates of expenditure;
(o) the maintenance of accounts of the receipts and expenditure of its funds and providing for the audit of such accounts;
(p) the manner in which payments are to be made by or on behalf of the Committee and the officers by whom orders for making deposits or investments or for withdrawals or disposal of the funds of the Committee shall be signed;
(q) the custody in which the current account of the funds of the Committee shall be kept, and the bank at which surplus moneys at the credit of the Committee may be deposited at interest, and the conditions on which such moneys may be otherwise invested;
(r) the preparation of a statement showing the sums allotted to Departments of Agriculture and Industries or institutions not under the direct control of the Committee for expenditure on research, the actual expenditure incurred, the outstanding liabilities, if any, and the disposal of unexpended balances at the end of the year;
(s) the duties of the officers appointed under sub section (3) of section 5C;
(t) the manner in which any amount of duty paid in excess may be refunded;
(u) any other matter which is to be or may be prescribed.