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The Armed Forces Nursing Service Act, 1952

( ACT NO. XXXVI OF 1952 )

An Act to constitute a force to be called the Armed Forces Nursing Service and to provide for its discipline.♣

WHEREAS it is expedient to constitute a force to be called the Armed Forces Nursing Service, as a part of the Armed Forces [of Bangladesh], and to provide for its discipline;
It is hereby enacted as follows:-

Short title, application and commencement
1. (1) This Act may be called the Armed Forces Nursing Service Act, 1952.
(2) It applies to the members of the Armed Forces Nursing Service wherever they may be.
(3) It shall come into force at once and shall be deemed to have taken effect on the tenth day of May, 1951.
2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,-
(a) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
(b) “regulations” means regulations made under this Act.
Constitution of Armed Forces Nursing Service
3. There shall be raised and maintained, in the manner hereinafter provided, as part of the Armed Forces 1[of Bangladesh] a force which shall be designated the Armed Forces Nursing Service.
Liability for service of members of the Armed Forces Nursing Service
2[4. The members of the Armed Forces Nursing Service shall be liable for service with the Force or persons subject to the Army Act, 1952 (XXXIX of 1952), the Air Force Act, 1953 (VI of 1953) or the Navy Ordinance, 1961(XXXV of 1961).]
Members to be of Commissioned rank
5. All members of the Armed Forces Nursing Service shall be of Commissioned rank and shall be appointed as officers of the Armed Forces Nursing Service, by the Government by notification in the official Gazette.
Eligibility for appointment
6. (1) Any female citizen shall be eligible for appointment as an officer in the Armed Forces Nursing Service, and if she satisfies the prescribed conditions, may be appointed thereto in the manner laid down in section 5 of this Act:
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(2) Every person so appointed shall be subject to this Act and to the rules and regulations made thereunder.
Dismissal from the Armed Forces Nursing Service
7. The Government, or any authority empowered by the Government in this behalf, may dismiss, remove, release, or cause of retirement of, any officer from the Armed Forces Nursing Service.
Liability to undergo training and perform duties
8. Subject to the provisions of this Act, an officer of the Armed Forces Nursing Service shall be bound to undergo such training and in such manner and to perform such duties in connection with the forces and persons subject to any of the enactments referred to in section 4 as may be laid down by regulations.
Application of the 4[* * *] Army Act, 1952, the 5[* * *] Air Force Act, 1953, and the 6[* * *] Navy Ordinance, 1961, to members of the Armed Forces Nursing Service
9. (1) The provisions of the 7[* * *] Army Act, 1952, shall, to such extent and subject to such adaptation and modifications as may be prescribed, apply to officers of the Armed Forces Nursing Service, who may be serving with forces and persons subject to that Act as those provisions apply to officers of the 8[Bangladesh Army].
(2) The provisions of the 9[* * *] Air Force Act, 1953, shall, to such extent and subject to such adaptations and modifications as may be prescribed, apply to officers of the Armed Forces Nursing Service, who may be serving with forces and persons subject to that Act as those provisions apply to officers of the 10[Bangladesh Air Force].
(3) The provisions of the 11[* * *] Navy Ordinance, 1961, shall, to such extent and subject to such adaptations and modifications as may be prescribed, apply to officers of the Armed Forces Nursing Service who may be serving with forces and persons subject to that Ordinance as those provisions apply to officers of the 12[Bangladesh Navy].
Power to make rules
10. (1) The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules to carry out the purposes of this Act.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, rules may be made under this section,-
(a) providing for the medical examination of persons offering themselves for appointment in the Armed Forces Nursing Service; and
(b) providing for any matter which under this Act is to be or may be prescribed.
Power to make regulations
11. Any officer or authority empowered in this behalf by the Government may make regulations not inconsistent with this Act and rules made thereunder, providing for all matters to be laid down by regulations and generally for all details connected with the organisation, pay, allowances, duties, discipline, training, clothing, equipment and leave of members of the Armed Forces Nursing Service.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs