Powers of the Chief of Naval Staff of the Bangladesh Navy
6. Without prejudice to any other powers which may be conferred on him under this Act, the Chief of Naval Staff of the Bangladesh Navy may-
(a) issue orders requiring measures to be taken for the safety of vessels in a port and against or in respect of fire;
(b) issue orders to the owner or master of any vessel in port requiring him,-
(i) to take such steps as may be mentioned in the order for the detection and combating of fire;
(ii) to do, or to refrain from doing, such things as may be mentioned in the order in order to secure the safety of the vessel or prevent it from endangering other vessels or property;
(iii) to scuttle or beach the vessel in such position as may be specified in the order if the vessel is on fire or has suffered damage by fire or otherwise and constitutes, in the opinion of the Chief of Naval Staff, a danger to other vessels or obstructs the proper working of the port;
(c) issue orders requiring any work to be done on any land, or anything to be placed in, on or over any land, within the limits of a port, and such work may include the demolition or the rendering useless of anything placed in, on or over such land and the removal from such land of anything so demolished or rendered useless.