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এই অধ্যাদেশ বাংলাদেশ সড়ক পরিবহণ কর্পোরেশন আইন, ২০২০ (২০২০ সনের ৫ নং আইন) দ্বারা রহিত করা হইয়াছে।
Column I |
Column II |
If the total number of shares subscribed by the share‑holders other than the Government is equal to or exceeds- |
Number of Directors to be elected. |
Forty per cent of the total number of shares |
.. .. .. |
Four |
Thirty per cent of the total number of shares |
.. .. .. |
Three |
Twenty per cent of the total number of shares |
.. .. .. |
Two |
Ten per cent of the total number of shares |
.. .. .. |
One: |
Provided that when the Board is first constituted, the Directors referred toin clause (b) shall be appointed by the Government in accordance with the table given in the said clause from amongst the share‑holders and shall, for the purpose of this Ordinance, be deemed to be elected Directors: |
Provided further that till such time as the Board is fully constituted, the Chairman shall exercise thepowers, functions and duties of the Corporation. |
(2) The term of office of the Chairman shall be five years from the date on which his appointment is notified or from such date as may be specified in the notification and may be re‑appointed for a further period not exceeding three years. |
(3) The Chairman appointed under sub‑section (1) may be either a whole-time or a part‑time officer. When the Chairman is a part‑time officer, sub‑section (2) shall not apply. |
(4) A Director appointed by the Government shall hold office for three years from the date on which his appointment is notified and may be eligible for re‑appointment for a further period of three years. |
(5) An elected Director shall hold office for a period of three years commencing from the date on which his election is notified and shall continue in office after the expiry of his term until his successor is elected and shall be eligible for re‑election. |
(6) The Chairman or any Director may, at any time, resign: |
Provided that his resignation shall not take effect until accepted by the Government. |
(7) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing sub‑sections, the Government may, by notification, remove the Chairman or a Director at any time during the term of his office. |