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WHEREAS it is expedient to appoint some law officers for conducting cases on behalf of the Government of Bangladesh before the superior Courts in Bangladesh;
NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of the Proclamation of Independence read with the Provisional Constitution of Bangladesh Order, 1972, and in exercise of all powers enabling him in that behalf, the President is pleased to make the following Order:-
3. 2[(1) The President may, in addition to the Attorney-General for Bangladesh, appoint, by notification in the official Gazette, Additional Attorneys-General, not exceeding three, and such number of Deputy Attorneys-General and Assistant Attorneys-General for Bangladesh as the President may determine. ]
(2) No person shall be appointed an 3[* * *] Additional Attorney-General or a Deputy Attorney-General 4[* * *]
unless he is qualified to be appointed as a Judge of the 5[Supreme Court] of Bangladesh 6[:
Provided that while making the appointment, the President may consider relaxing the age-limit of an Additional Attorney-General or a Deputy Attorney-General, as the case may be, if he is found fit and efficient.]
(3) No person shall be appointed an Assistant Attorney-General 7[* * *] unless he has completed 8[five] years' practice as an Advocate of the 9[Supreme Court].
(4) 10[* * *] 11[Additional Attorneys-General], 12[Deputy Attorneys-General and Assistant Attorneys-General] shall perform such duties as the President may direct.
(5) In the performance of their duties 13[* * *] 14[the Additional Attorneys-General], 15[and the Deputy Attorneys-General] shall have the right to audience in all Courts in Bangladesh.