Composition of the Council
4. (1) The Council shall consist of a Chairman and fourteen other members.
(2) The Chairman shall be a person who is, [or has been,] or is qualified to be appointed as, a Judge of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh and shall be nominated by the President of Bangladesh.
(3) Of the other members,-
(a) three shall be working journalists nominated by such association of working journalists as the Chairman may notify in this behalf;
(b) three shall be editors of newspapers and news agencies nominated by such association of editors of newspapers and news agencies as the Chairman may notify in this behalf;
(c) three shall be persons who own or manage newspapers and news agencies nominated by such association of owners or managers of newspapers and news agencies as the Chairman may notify in this behalf;
(d) three shall be persons having special knowledge or practical experience in respect of education, science, art, literature and law of whom respectively one shall be nominated by the University Grants Commission, one by the Bangla Academy and one by the Bangladesh Bar Council; and
(e) two shall be members of Parliament nominated by the Speaker:
Provided that before notifying any association under clause (a), clause (b) or clause (c), the Chairman shall consult such associations of persons of the category concerned and such individuals or interests concerned as he thinks fit:
Provided further that no working journalist who is an editor of any newspaper or news agency or who owns or manages any newspaper or news agency shall be eligible for nomination under clause (a):
Provided further that no editor who owns or manages any newspaper or news agency shall be eligible for nomination under clause (b):
Provided further that not more than one person having interest in any newspaper or news agency or group of newspapers or news agencies shall be eligible for nomination under clause (a), clause (b) or clause (c).
(4) Where any nominating body referred to in clause (a), clause (b), clause (c) or clause (d) fails to send the names of its nominees to the Chairman when invited by him to do so or where a nominating body does not exist for the time being, the Chairman may nominate members to represent the category concerned.
(5) The names of persons nominated under this section shall be forwarded to the Government and shall be notified by the Government in the official Gazette and every such nomination shall take effect from the date on which it is so notified.