Privileges regarding residence, etc.
4. [(1)]A Judge shall be entitled to, and provided with,-
(a) a furnished residence free from the payment of any rent and charges on account of municipal taxes and local rate and of the use of electricity, water and gas and, until such residence is provided, a Judge shall be paid a residence allowance of [Taka 50,600] per mensem;
[(b) an official transport on the same terms as are admissible to a Secretary to the Government and, until such transport is provided or if it is not required by him, he shall be paid a car allowance of [Taka 25,000] per mensem if he uses his own car or [Taka 2,000] per mensem if he does not use his own car; and]
(c) a telephone at his residence at Government expense.
[(2) There shall be paid to the Judges a domestic aid allowance at the following rates, namely:-
(i) The Chief Justice - Taka 5,000 Per mensem;
(ii) A Judge of the Appellate - Taka 4,500 Per mensem;
(iii) A Judge of the High Court - Taka 4,000 Per mensem.
(3) There shall be paid to the Judges a sumptuary allowance at the following rates, namely:-
(i) The Chief Justice - Taka 12,000 Per mensem;
(ii) A Judge of the Appellate - Taka 8,000 Per mensem;
(iii) A Judge of the High Court - Taka 5,000 Per mensem.]