Composition of the Council
4. (1) The Council shall consist of the following members, namely:-
(a) Secretary, Ministry of Health and Population Control, ex-officio;
(b) Director-General of Health Services, ex-officio;
(c) Director-General of Family Planning and Population Control, ex-officio;
(d) Director-General of Medical Services (Armed Forces) or a person nominated by him;
(e) Director, Medical Education and Hospital, ex-officio;
(f) Director of Nursing Services, ex-officio;
(g) Principal, College of Nursing, ex-officio;
(h) one member to be nominated by the Government from among the Principals of Medical Colleges;
(i) one member to be nominated by the Government from among the Superintendents of Medical College Hospitals;
(j) one member to be nominated by the Ministry of Social Welfare and Women Affairs from among its officers;
(k) one member to be nominated by the Ministry of Labour and Manpower from among its officers;
(l) one member to be nominated by the Health Division from among its officers not below the rank of Deputy Secretary;
(m) one member to be nominated by the Director of Nursing Services from among the Deputy Directors of Nursing Services;
(n) two members to be nominated by the Director of Nursing Services from among Matrons;
(o) one member to be nominated by the Government from among the members of the teaching staff of the Medical Assistant Training Institute;
(p) one member to be nominated by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council from among its members;
(q) one member to be nominated by the Bangladesh Nursing Association from among its members;
(r) two members to be nominated by the Director of Nursing Services from among the members of teaching staff of Nursing Institutions;
(s) three members to be nominated by the Government from among the members of Nursing Profession;
(t) one member to be nominated by the Government from among the prominent lady educationists;
(u) one member to be nominated by the Government from among the lady social workers.
(2) The Council shall elect from among its members a President, a Vice-President, a Treasurer and a Secretary:
Provided that the Secretary, Ministry of Health and Population Control, shall be the first President of the Council.
(3) No act or proceeding of the Council shall be invalid merely on the ground of the existence of any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of the Council.