Chapter II
1[11. (1) When under this Act or any rules made there under, a duty is payable to the Government by any person or a penalty is adjudicated against any person or a notice or demand is served upon any person calling for the payment of any amount unpaid which may be payable by way of duty, penalty or under any bond or other instrument executed under the rules and such duty, penalty or other sum is not paid within the time it was required to be paid, an Excise Officer, not below the rank of Assistant Commissioner, may at any time—
(a) deduct or require any other Excise, Customs or Value Added Tax (VAT) Officer to deduct the amount so payable from any money owing to such person or due which may be in the hands or at the disposal or under the control of such Officer or of the Government;
(b) require, by a notice in writing, any person owing any money to the person from whom such duty or penalty or any other sum is recoverable or due, to pay to such officer the amount specified in the notice, or the whole of such money if it is less than the amount so recoverable or due, within 7 (seven) days of the receipt of the notice or within such longer time as may be allowed by such officer;
(c) recover such amount by attachment and sale of excisable goods or any plant, machinery and equipment used for the manufacture of such goods or any other goods in the factory or bonded warehouse or in any premises where any excisable services are provided or rendered;
(d) stop removal of any goods belonging to such person or his associates from Customs control in the sea port, airport, land port, any other Customs-station or from such factory, bonded warehouse or premises till such amount is paid or recovered in full;
(e) require any officer of Customs to recover such amount by detaining and selling any goods belonging to such person which are under the control of the Customs authorities;
(f) require, by a notice in writing, any Government Entity to stop any excisable services till such amount is paid or recovered in full;
(g) require, by a notice in writing, any Scheduled Bank having deposit of money of the person from whom such duty or regulatory duty or penalty or any other sum is recoverable to pay to such officer the amount specified in the notice or to freeze the account or make the account inoperative on respect of the notice.
(2) If the amount is not recovered from such person in the manner provided in sub-section (1), the Excise Officer may prepare a certificate signed by him specifying the amount due from the person liable to pay the same and send it to the Deputy Collector (DC) in which such person resides or owns any property or conducts his business and the said Collector shall, on receiving such certificate, proceed to recover the amount specified in the certificate as a public demand or as if it were an arrear of land revenue.
(3) The Government may appoint one or more officers to exercise the powers of a Certificate-officer under the Public Demands Recovery Act, 1913 (Bengal Act III of 1913) for the purpose of recovering the amount specified in a certificate prepared under sub-section (2), and when more than one Certificate-officers are so appointed the Government may also specify their territorial or other jurisdiction.]