
Laws of Bangladesh

The Civil Defence Act, 1952

( ACT NO. XXXI OF 1952 )

Power to make rules
2. (1) The Government may by notification in the official Gazette make such rules as appear to it to be necessary or expedient for securing the civil defence of Bangladesh.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) such rules may provide for, or may empower any authority to make orders providing for, all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) the constitution, enrolment, discipline, powers, duties, privileges and protection of Civil Defence Services;
(b) preventing or prohibiting anything likely to assist the enemy or to prejudice the successful conduct of civil defence including acts, publications or communications prejudicial to civil defence;
(c) requiring any person or class of persons to comply with any scheme of civil defence;
(d) ensuring the safety of any place or thing used or intended to be used for the purposes of Government or a local authority, the protection of which is considered necessary or expedient for securing civil defence;
(e) the control of lights, sounds and vehicles;
(f) the control of trade or industry for the purposes of regulating or increasing the supply of, and the obtaining of information with regard to, articles or things of any description whatsoever which may be used in connection with the conduct of civil defence;
(g) the provision, storage and maintenance of commodities and material required for the conduct of civil defence;
(h) the provision, construction, maintenance or alteration of buildings, premises or other structures required for the conduct of civil defence;
(i) the measures for preventing and dealing with the outbreak of fire;
(j) preventing or controlling any use of uniforms, whether official or otherwise, flags, official decorations like medals, badges and other insignia and anything similar thereto, where such use is calculated or likely to deceive the public or to prejudice civil defence;
(k) the salvage of damaged buildings and property and disposal of the dead;
(l) the evacuation of areas and the removal of property or animals therefrom;
(m) the accommodation in any area of persons evacuated from another area and the regulation of the conduct of evacuated persons accommodated in such area;
(n) the billeting of evacuated persons;
(o) the instruction of members of the public in civil defence;
(p) the entry into, and search of, any place reasonably suspected of being used for any purpose prejudicial to civil defence and for the seizure and disposal of anything found there and reasonably suspected of being used for such purpose;
(q) the requisition of property and acquisition thereof.
(3) The rules made under sub-section (1) may further-
(a) provide for the arrest and trial of persons contravening any of the rules or any order issued thereunder;
(b) provide that any contravention of, or any attempt to contravene, and any abetment of, or attempt to abet, the contravention of any of the provisions of the rules, or any order issued under any such provision, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to five years, or with fine which may extend to five thousand 1[taka], or with both;
(c) provide for the seizure, detention and forfeiture of any property in respect of which such contravention, attempt or abetment as is referred to in clause (b) has been committed;
(d) prescribe the duties and powers of public servants and other persons as regards preventing the contravention of, or securing the observance of, the rules or any order issued thereunder;
(e) provide for preventing the obstruction and deception of, and disobedience to, any person acting, and interfering with any notice issued, in pursuance of the rules or of any order issued thereunder;
(f) make provision prohibiting attempts to screen from punishment any person contravening any of the rules or any order issued thereunder.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs