
Laws of Bangladesh

The Antiquities Act, 1968

( ACT NO. XIV OF 1968 )

2. In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,-
(a) “Advisory Committee” means the Advisory Committee constituted under section 3;
(b) “ancient” means belonging or relating to any period prior to 1[the preceding hundred years];
(c) “antiquity” means-
(i) any ancient product of human activity, movable or immovable, illustrative of art, architecture, craft, custom, literature, morals, politics, religion, warfare, science or of any aspect of civilisation or culture,
(ii) any ancient object or site of historical, ethnographical, anthropological, military or scientific interest, and
(iii) any other ancient object or class of such objects declared by the Government, by notification in the official Gazette to be an antiquity for the purposes of this Act;
(d) “dealer” means a person engaged in the business of buying and selling antiquities; and “deal in antiquities” means to carry on such business;
(e) “Director” means the Director of Archaeology, Government of 2[the People's Republic of Bangladesh], and includes an officer authorised by him to exercise or perform all or any of the powers or functions of the Director under this Act;
(f ) “export” means taking out of Bangladesh by land, sea or air;
(g) “immovable antiquity” means an antiquity of any of the following descriptions, namely:-
(i) any archaeological deposits on land or under water,
(ii) any archaeological mound, tumulus, burial place or place of interment, or any ancient garden, structure, building, erection or other work of historical, archaeological, military or scientific interest,
(iii) any rock, cave or other natural object of historical, archaeological, artistic or scientific interest or containing sculpture, engraving, inscription or painting of such interest,
and includes-
(1) any gate, door, window, panelling dados, ceiling, inscription, wall-painting, wood work, iron work or sculpture or other thing which is attached or fastened to an immovable antiquity;
(2) the remains of an immovable antiquity;
(3) the site of an immovable antiquity;
(4) such portions of land or water adjoining the site of an immovable antiquity as are reasonably required for fencing or covering or otherwise preserving such antiquity;
(5) the reasonable means of access to, and convenient inspection of, an immovable antiquity; and
(6) any urban site, street, group of buildings or public square of special value which the Government, being of the opinion that its preservation is a matter of public interest by reason of its arrangement, architecture or materials of construction, by notification in the official Gazette, declares to be an immovable antiquity for the purposes of this Act;
(h) “owner” includes-
(i) any person legally competent to act on behalf of the owner when by reason of infancy or other disability the owner is unable to act;
(ii) a joint owner invested with powers of management on behalf of himself and other joint owners and the successor-in-interest of such owner, and
(iii) any manager or trustee exercising the powers of management and the successor-in-office of such manager or trustee;
(i) “protected antiquity” means an antiquity which is declared under section 10 to be a protected antiquity.

  • 1
    The words “the preceding hundred years” were substituted for the word, comma and figure “May, 1857” by section 3 of the Antiquities (Amendment) Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance No. LXXIII of 1976)
  • 2
    The words “the People’s Republic of Bangladesh” were substituted for the word “Pakistan” by section 2 of the Antiquities (Amendment) Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance No. LXXIII of 1976)
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