
Laws of Bangladesh

The Customs Act, 1969

( ACT NO. IV OF 1969 )

Chapter XVI


Cargo book
151. (1) There shall be kept on board every coasting vessel a cargo book stating the name of the vessel, the port at which she is registered and the name of the master.
(2) It shall be the duty of the master of every coasting vessel to enter or cause to be entered in the cargo book-
(a) the port to which and each voyage on which the vessel is bound;
(b) the respective times of departure from every port of lading and of arrival at every port of discharge;
(c) the name of every port of lading and an account of all goods taken on board at that port with a description of the packages and the quantities and description of the goods contained therein or stowed loose and the names of the respective shippers and the consignees in so far as such particulars be ascertainable;
(d) the name of every port of discharge and the respective days on which such goods or any of them are delivered out of such vessel.
(3) The entries relating to the loading and discharge of goods shall be made respectively at the ports of lading and discharge.
(4) Every such master shall on demand produce the cargo book for the inspection of the appropriate officer and such officer may make such note or remark therein as he considers necessary.

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