
Laws of Bangladesh

The Rajshahi University Act, 1973

( ACT NO. XXVI OF 1973 )

Framing of Statutes
39. (1) The First and Second Statutes of the University have been set-forth in the Schedule.
(2) The Statutes may be amended, repealed or added to by Statutes made by the Syndicate in the manner stated hereinafter.
(3) All Statutes, as made by the Syndicate, shall be submitted to Senate for ratification.
(4) The Senate may, on receipt of the proposal of Statutes, return it to the Syndicate with the suggestion that the Statutes or a particular provision of the Statutes be reconsidered and that any amendments specified in the suggestion be considered but if the Syndicate again submits the proposal of Statutes with or without the suggested amendments to the Senate, it shall be deemed to have been ratified unless rejected by the two-thirds of the total number of members of the Senate:
Provided that the Statutes relating to the service conditions of teachers, officers and other employees of the University shall be presented to the Senate but shall not require its ratification.
(5) A Statute proposed by the Syndicate shall have no validity until it has been ratified or deemed to have been ratified by the Senate.
(6) Save as otherwise provided the Syndicate shall not propose any Statute affecting the status, powers or constitution of any Authority of the University until such Authority has been given an opportunity of expressing an opinion upon the proposal. Any opinion so expressed shall be in writing and shall be considered by the Syndicate and shall be submitted to the Senate together with the draft of the proposed Statutes.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs