
Laws of Bangladesh

The Chittagong University Act, 1973

( ACT NO. XXXIII OF 1973 )

Powers and duties of the Academic Council
29. (1) The Academic Council shall, subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, and the powers conferred on the Vice-Chancellor and the Syndicate, have power to make regulations prescribing the courses of studies and curricula, and laying down proper standards of instruction, research and examinations.
(2) Subject to the powers conferred on the Vice-Chancellor and the Syndicate, the Academic Council shall have the following powers, namely:-
(a) to advise the Syndicate on all Academic matters;
(b) to propose Academic Ordinances to the Syndicate;
(c) to call for reports from persons engaged in research and to make recommendations to the Syndicate thereon;
(d) to make regulations for the encouragement of co-operation and reciprocity among colleges with a view to promoting academic life;
(e) to decide the conditions under which exemptions relating to the admission of students to examinations may be given;
(f) to propose to the Syndicate schemes for the constitution of the University Departments and Committees of Courses and Studies;
(g) to deal with University teaching and to make proposals for the initiation of fresh developments;
(h) to prescribe, subject to the approval of the Syndicate and upon the recommendations of the Committees of Courses and Studies, the Courses of Reading, the Syllabuses and outlines of texts in each paper for all the examinations:
Provided that the Academic Council shall have power only to accept, reject or refer back, but not to amend the recommendations of the Committees of Courses and Studies:
Provided further that in the event of difference of opinion between the Academic Council and the Committee of Courses and Studies after the first reference the opinions of both the bodies shall be placed before the Syndicate for decision which shall be final;
(i) to approve or reject any subject proposed for this by a candidate for the degree of a Doctor in any subject after consideration of the report of the Board of Advanced Studies:
Provided that in the event of difference of opinion between the Academic Council and the Board of Advanced Studies after the first reference, the opinions of both the bodies shall be placed before the Syndicate for decision which shall be final;
(j) to recognise the examinations of other Universities or Boards as equivalent to the corresponding examinations of the University;
(k) to advise upon the proposals referred to it on new developments in teaching and research in the University by the Planning and Development Committee;
(l) to make and amend rules and regulations regarding the use of University Library;
(m) to recommend to the Syndicate affiliation or disaffiliation of colleges and institutes;
(n) to make recommendations for the promotion of research within the University and to advise the Syndicate on such other matters of academic interest as may be referred to them;
(o) to initiate proposals for the institution of teaching departments, research institutes and museums, and to make recommendations for the consideration of the Syndicate; and
(p) to initiate proposals for the institution or suspension of Professorships, Readerships, Lecturerships or other teaching posts and to make recommendation in this respect to the Syndicate.
(3) At least one-third of the total number of members shall be present to constitute a quorum of a meeting of the Academic Council.

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