
Laws of Bangladesh

The Speaker and Deputy Speaker (Remuneration and Privileges) Act, 1974

( ACT NO. XLVIII OF 1974 )

Official residence
8. (1) There shall be an official residence for the Speaker which shall be furnished and maintained at Government expense.
(2) If the Speaker decides to reside in his own house or in any house other than the official residence, it shall be furnished at a cost not exceeding Taka 1[5,00,000].
(3) The Deputy Speaker shall be entitled to an official residence on the same terms and conditions as are admissible to a Minister under the Act.

  • 1
    The figure and commas “5,00,000” was substituted for the figure and commas “1,50,000” by section 6 of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker Remuneration and Privileges) (Amendment) Act, 2010 (Act No. XX of 2010) (with effect from 1st July, 2010).
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