
Laws of Bangladesh

The Islamic Foundation Act, 1975

( ACT NO. XVII OF 1975 )

1[6. (1) The Board shall consist of the following Governors, namely:-
(a) the Minister-in-charge of the 2[Ministry of Religious Affairs], who shall also be the Chairman of the Board, ex-officio;
(b) the Chairman, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, ex-officio;
4[(c) the secretary, Ministry of Religious Affairs, ex-officio;]
(d) the Vice-Chancellor, Islamic University, ex-officio;
(e) the Chairman, Bangladesh Madrasha Education Board, ex-officio;
(f) three persons to be elected by the members of the Foundation from amongst their number in such manner as may be prescribed by regulations;
(g) five persons to be nominated by the Government from amongst the eminent Muslim scholars and theologians of Bangladesh;
(h) two members of Parliament to be nominated by the Government; and
(i) the Director General, who shall also be the Member-Secretary of the Board, ex-officio.
(2) A Governor, other than an ex-officio Governor, shall hold office for a term of three years:
Provided that notwithstanding the expiration of his term, a Governor, other than an ex-officio Governor, shall continue to hold office until his successor enters upon office.
(3) A Governor, other than an ex-officio Governor, may resign his office by notice in writing addressed to the Chairman.
(4) The Government may declare the office of a Governor, other than an ex-officio Governor, vacant if it is satisfied that-
(a) such Governor is, by reason of illness or any other cause, unable to discharge the functions of his office; or
(b) his continuance in office is not in the interest of the Foundation.
(5) No act or proceeding of the Board shall be invalid or be called in question merely on the ground of any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of, the Board.]

  • 1
    Section 6 was substituted by section 3 of the Islamic Foundation (Amendment) Ordinance, 1983 (Ordinance No. LXVII of 1983)
  • 2
    The words “Ministry of Religious Affairs” were substituted for the words “Religious Affairs Division” by section 3 of the Islamic Foundation (Amendment) Ordinance, 1985 (Ordinance No. XXII of 1985)
  • 3
    Clause (aa) was omitted by section 3 (a) of the Islamic Foundation (Amendment) Act, 2013 (Act No. X of 2013).
  • 4
    Clause (c) was substituted by section 3 (b) of the Islamic Foundation (Amendment) Act, 2013 (Act No. X of 2013).
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