Recovery of tolls, etc. by sale of goods
24. (1) If the tolls, dues, rates and charges payable to the Authority under this Ordinance in respect of any goods or if rents due under section 21 are not paid, or if the lien for freight, primage or general average, where such notice as mentioned in section 22 has been given, is not discharged, the Authority may, and in the latter event, if required by or on behalf of the person claiming such lien for freight, primage or general average, shall at the expiration of two months from the time when the goods were placed in its custody, or seized and detained for rents due sell by public auction the said goods, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy the amount hereinafter directed to be paid out of the produce of such sale.
(2) Before making such sale at least ten days' notice of the sale shall be given by publication thereof in a daily newspaper and a copy thereof shall be affixed in a conspicuous place in the office of the Authority.
(3) If the address of the consignee of the goods or of his agent has been stated on the manifest of the cargo or in any of the documents which have come into the hands of the Authority, or is otherwise known, notice shall also be given to the consignee of the goods to his agent by letter delivered at such address or sent by post; but the title of a bona fide purchaser of such goods shall not be invalidated by reason of the omission to send such notice, nor shall any such purchaser be bound to inquire whether such notice has been sent:
Provided that, if such goods are of so perishable a nature as, in the opinion of the officer appointed by the Authority in that behalf, to render early or immediate sale necessary or advisable, the Authority may, within such period being not less than twenty-four hours after the landing of the goods, as it thinks fit, sell by public auction the said goods or such portion thereof as aforesaid in which event such notice, if any, shall be given to the consignee of the goods or his agent as the urgency of the case admits of.