
Laws of Bangladesh

The Cost and Management Accountants Ordinance, 1977

( Ordinance NO. LIII OF 1977 )

Entry of names in the Register
4. (1) The following persons shall be entitled to have their names entered in the Register, namely:-
(a) any person who was, immediately before the commencement of this Ordinance, a fellow or associate of the dissolved Institute;
(b) any person who has passed such examination and completed such training as may be prescribed by the Council for membership of the Institute;
(c) any person who has passed such other examination and completed such other training outside Bangladesh of such Institute of Cost and Management Accountancy and admitted as member of that Institute as may be recognised by the Council as being equivalent to the examination and training prescribed for the members of the Institute:
Provided that, in the case of any such person who is not a citizen of Bangladesh, or permanently residing in Bangladesh, he shall fulfil such further conditions as the Council may deem fit to impose.
(d) any person being a citizen of Bangladesh, who at the commencement of this Ordinance, has passed such other examination and completed such other training outside Bangladesh of such Institute of Cost and Management Accountancy and admitted as member of that Institute:
Provided that any such examination or training of such Institute of Cost and Management Accountancy was recognised, before the commencement of this Ordinance, for the purpose of conferring the right to be registered as a member of the dissolved Institute;
(e) any person, being a citizen of Bangladesh, who, at the commencement of this Ordinance,-
(i) is studying for any foreign examination and is, at the same time, undergoing training, whether within or outside Bangladesh, of such Institute of Cost and Management Accountancy, and passes such examination and completes such training, or
(ii) having passed such foreign examination of such Institute of Cost and Management Accountancy, is undergoing training whether within or outside Bangladesh and completes such training :
Provided that any such examination or training of such Institute of Cost and Management Accountancy was recognised, before the commencement of this Ordinance, for the purpose of conferring the right to be registered as a member of the dissolved Institute.
(2) The Council shall, as early as possible, take such steps as may be necessary for having the names of all such persons as are mentioned in clause (a) of sub-section (1) entered in the Register without any application being made in that behalf or the payment of any fee and the name of every such person so entered shall be deemed to have been entered at the commencement of this Ordinance for the purpose of sub-section (1) of section 3.
(3) Every person belonging to any of the classes mentioned in clauses (b), (c), (d) and (e) of sub-section (1) may have his name entered in the Register on an application made to, and granted by, the Council in the prescribed manner and on payment of the prescribed fee.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs