
Laws of Bangladesh

The Bangla Academy Ordinance, 1978

( Ordinance NO. XIX OF 1978 )

14. (1) There shall be Sachib who shall be appointed by the Government from among the senior officers in the service of the Republic for such period and on such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Government.
(2) If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Sachib or if the Sachib is unable to discharge the functions of his office on account of absence, illness or any other cause, the Mahaparichalak shall authorise the most senior Parichalak to discharge the function of the Sachib until a new Sachib is appointed or until the Sachib resumes the functions of his office, as the case may be.
(3) The Sachib shall be the custodian of such records and properties of the Academy as the Parishad may commit to his charge and shall-
(a) prepare the annual budget of the Academy and shall, with the approval of the Mahaparichalak, submit it to the Parishad for approval and thereafter to the Government for final approval;
(b) get the accounts of the Academy audited and shall place the audit report through the Mahaparichalak before the Parishad at least thirty days prior to the date fixed for the Annual General Meeting; and the audit report approved by the Parishad shall be submitted before the Academy along with the budget;
(c) prepare the annual report for each financial year on the activities of the Academy and the Parishad and submit the same to the Mahaparichalak for submission at the Annual General Meeting;
(d) be the Drawing and Disbursing Officer of the Academy and shall be the Custodian of all accounts of the Academy;
(e) be responsible for general supervision and vigilance over the working of the Divisions and the employees and shall submit once in a week a report to the Mahaparichalak.

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