
The Protection of Muslim Pilgrims Act, 1896

The Protection of Muslim Pilgrims Act, 1896

( ACT NO. I OF 1896 )

1♣An Act to provide for the protection of Muslim Pilgrims.

WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the protection of Muslim Pilgrims;
It is hereby enacted as follows:-

Short title, extent and commencement
1. (1) This Act may be called the Protection of 12[Muslim] Pilgrims Act, 1896;
(2) The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette extend it to any place in Bangladesh; and
(3) It shall come into force-
(a) [Omitted by section 2 of the Protection of Muhammadan Pilgrims (Amendment) Act, 1956 (Act No. XIII of 1956).]
(b) in any place to which it may be extended by notification under sub-section (2) of this section, from date specified in this behalf in such notification.
2. In this Act, unless there be something repugnant in the subject or context,-
(a) "pilgrim" means a 3[Muslim] who is proceeding to or returning from the Hedjaz;
(b) "pilgrim broker" means a person who buys and resells, or sells on commission, or takes any reward for the purchase or sale of passage-tickets, whether by sea or railway, for pilgrims;
(bb) "Muallem", means a person who offers for monetary consideration to act as a guide to pilgrims and includes any person employed by or acting for the furtherance of the business of, or under the direction of such guide:
Provided that a Muallem who is an Arab subject shall be excluded from the restrictions imposed by or under this Act;
(c) "agent" includes a person who has chartered a ship for the conveyance of pilgrims;
(d) [Omitted by section 2 of the Protection of Muhammadan Pilgrims (Amendment) Act, 1956 (Act No. XIII of 1956).]
(e) "Commissioner of Police" means-
(i) [Omitted by section 2 of the Protection of Muhammadan Pilgrims (Amendment) Act, 1956 (Act No. XIII of 1956).]
(ii) as regards any place to which this Act may hereafter be extended, any person whom Government may appoint, by name or by virtue of his office, to perform in such place the functions of the Commissioner of Police under this Act.
Grant of licenses to act as pilgrim brokers or Muallems
3. (1) The Commissioner of Police shall from time to time grant licenses empowering persons to act as pilgrim brokers or Muallems.
(2) The Government may, from time to time, make rules to regulate the grant of such licenses and to prescribe the conditions to be embodied therein.
(3) All such rules shall be published in official Gazette.
Licenses what to specify
4. Every such license shall specify,-
(a) the name and address of the licensee;
(b) the period for which the license is to be in force; and
(c) the conditions subject to which the license is granted.
Penalty for acting as pilgrim broker or Muallem without a license, or for lending license
5. Any person who, without a license granted under section 3, acts as a pilgrim broker or Muallem, or who lends to another person a license granted to himself under that section, shall, on conviction, be liable to fine which may extend to two hundred Taka for each offence.
Penalty for misbehaviour of licensed pilgrim broker or licensed Muallem
6. If any licensed pilgrim broker or licensed Muallem-
(a) commits a breach of any of the conditions of his license; or
(b) purchases for or sells to any pilgrim a passage-ticket by any ship to which the Merchant Shipping Act, 1923, applies, at any time before notice has been given by the master, owner or agent of the ship under Section 151 of that Act, of the time at which it is proposed that the ship shall sail; or
(c) purchases for or sells to any pilgrim a passage-ticket any ship unless the proposed time of sailing is printed on such ticket; or
(d) charges any pilgrim a sum in excess of the cost price of any passage-ticket, or of any provisions or other articles, purchased for him, or receives from him any fee or commission on account of any such ticket; or
(e) [Omitted by the Muhammadan Pilgrims (Bengal Amendment) Act, 1929 (Act II of 1929), section 5(3).]
(f) purchase for any pilgrim a passage-ticket on which there is not printed or stamped the price charged for the passage according to the class of accommodation secured; or
(g) by fraud of false representation, or by any false pretence whatever, induces any person to purchase a pilgrim's passage-ticket,
he shall, on conviction, be liable to fine which may extend to two hundred Taka for each offence.
Penalty receipt of commission exceeding five per cent of the price of passage-tickets
4[6A. If any licensed pilgrim broker receives from the master, owner or agent of any ship, or from any railway servant, any fee or commission in respect of the sale of any passage-ticket for a pilgrim, exceeding five per centum of the price of such ticket he shall, on conviction, be liable to fine which may extend to two hundred Taka for each offence.]
Power to suspend and cancel licences
7. The Commissioner of Police may-
(a) suspend the license of any pilgrim broker or Muallem pending any inquiry into any accusation against him of misconduct for which, if proved, he would be liable to fine under section 6, and
(aa) suspend the license of any pilgrim broker pending any inquiry into any accusation against him of breach of the provisions of section 6A, and
(b) cancel the license granted to any pilgrim broker or Muallem who is convicted of any offence under this Act or of any other criminal offence.
8-10. [Repealed by section 24(2) of the Port Haj Committees Act, 1932 (Act No. XX of 1932).]
11. [Repealed by section 4 of the Indian Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 1927 (Act No. XIV of 1927).]
12. [Repealed by section 4 of the Indian Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 1927 (Act No. XIV of 1927).]
13. [Repealed by section 10 of the Protection of Muhammadan Pilgrims (Bengal Amendment) Act, 1929 (Act No. II of 1929).]
14. [Repealed by section 10 of the Protection of Muhammadan Pilgrims (Bengal Amendment) Act, 1929 (Act No. II of 1929).]
Certain provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1923, to apply to offences and fines under this Act
15. Sections 281, 282, 286 and 288 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1923, shall apply to all offences punishable and fines leviable under this Act.
Certain penalties to be enforced only at the instance of the Commissioner of Police
16. The penalties to which masters, owners and agents of ships are made liable by this Act shall be enforced only on information laid at the instance of the Commissioner of Police.
17. [Repealed by section 10 of the Protection of Muhammadan Pilgrims (Bengal Amendment) Act, 1929 (Act No. II of 1929).]

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs