
Laws of Bangladesh

The Mining Settlements Act, 1912

( ACT NO. II OF 1912 )

Power of Board to make bye-laws
1[11A. (1) A Mines Board of Health may, after previous publication, make bye-laws-
(i) defining the duties of owners, agents and managers of mines in respect of a mining settlement, and of all persons acting under them;
(ii) defining the matters in respect of which notices, returns and reports shall be furnished by owners, agents and managers of mines, the form of such notices, returns and reports, the persons and authorities to whom they are to be furnished, and the particulars to be contained in them;
(iii) defining the plans (if any) to be kept by owners, agents and managers of mines within a mining settlement, and the manner and places in which they are to be kept for purposes of record;
(iv) providing for the supply of filtered, boiled or other water and for sanitation and conservancy in the mining settlement;
(v) providing for the taking of measures to prevent the outbreak or spread of and to combat epidemic and other diseases in the mining settlement;
(vi) providing against the accumulation of water (other than water in mines) in the mining settlement;
(vii) regulating the construction and sanitation of residential buildings within the mining settlement;
(viii) prescribing standards of accommodation in cases where accommodation is provided for persons employed in mines within the mining settlement;
(ix) providing against the accumulation of water (other than water in mines) in the mining settlement;
(x) regulating the construction and sanitation of residential buildings within the mining settlement;
(xi) prescribing standards of accommodation in cases where accommodation is provided for persons employed in mines within the mining settlement;
(xii) defining the medical assistance to be provided by the owners of mines within the mining settlement for the labourers employed under them;
(xiii) providing for the prevention or abatement of nuisances affecting the public health committed by any persons within the limits of the mining settlement; and
(xiv) generally for carrying out the purposes of this Act and for promoting the safety, health and welfare of persons employed in mines within the mining settlement.
(2) Bye-laws made under this section shall not take effect until they have been confirmed by the Government and published in the official Gazette.]

  • 1
    Section 11A was inserted by section 6 of the Bengal Mining Settlement (Amendment) Act, 1931 (Act No. IV of 1931)
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