Bar to application of Act to certain lands and to certain cases
85. (1) Nothing in this Act shall apply to-
(a) any land vested in, or in the possession of-
(i) a port authority of a port, or
(ii) a railway administration, or
(iii) any local authority, or
(b) any lease in respect of any forest-rights or rights over fisheries or rights to minerals in any non-agricultural land, or
(c) any land acquired under the [
Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Property Ordinance, 1982(II of 1982)], or under any other law, for the use of any Department of the [Government], or
(d) any other land in the possession of the [Government], or
(e) any land held under a public wakf or a trust for public purpose.
(2) Nothing in this Act shall apply to any non-agricultural land held by a tenant under the [Government]:
Provided that the right vested in a tenant by the provisions of this Act shall not be divested by the acquisition of the superior right only in the land by the Government.