
The Chittagong Metropolitan Police Ordinance, 1978

The Chittagong Metropolitan Police Ordinance, 1978

( Ordinance NO. XLVIII OF 1978 )

Chapter II


Constitution of the Force
5. (1) There shall be a separate police-force for the Chittagong Metropolitan Area to be called the Chittagong Metropolitan Police.
(2) The Force shall consist of such number of officers in the several ranks and shall be constituted in such manner and shall have such organisation as the Government may, from time to time, direct.
Superintendence of the Force
6. The Superintendence of the Force shall vest in the Government.
Police Commissioner, Additional Police Commissioners, Deputy Police Commissioners and Assistant Police Commissioners
7. (1) The Government shall appoint a Police Commissioner who shall, subject to the control of the Inspector-General, exercise such powers and perform such duties as are or may be provided by or under this Ordinance.
(2) The Government may appoint one or more Additional Police Commissioners, Deputy Police Commissioners and Assistant Police Commissioners who shall assist the Police Commissioner in the exercise of his powers and performance of his duties and shall exercise such of the powers and perform such of the duties of the Police Commissioner as may be delegated to them by the Police Commissioner by general or special order in writing.
(3) The Police Commissioner, an Additional Police Commissioner, a Deputy Police Commissioner and an Assistant Police Commissioner shall be appointed in such manner and on such terms and conditions as the Government may, from time to time, determine.
Appointment of subordinate officers
8. (1) There shall be such number of Inspectors and other classes of subordinate officers of the Force as the Government may, from time to time, determine.
(2) The appointment of Inspectors shall be made by the Inspector-General of Police and the appointment of all other subordinate officers shall be made by such superior officer not below the rank of Deputy Police Commissioner as the Police Commissioner may, by order in writing, specify in this behalf.
(3) The appointment of subordinate officers shall be made in such manner and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed.
(4) Every subordinate officer shall, on appointment, receive a certificate in the form set out in Schedule II under the seal and signature of the Police Commissioner or of the superior officer making the appointment.
(5) A certificate of appointment shall be cancelled whenever the person named therein ceases to belong to the Force and shall remain inoperative during the period of his suspension from the force.
9. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance or in the Police Act, 1861 (V of 1861), or in any other law for the time being in force, the Government or the Inspector-General may transfer a police-officer appointed under this Ordinance to the Police Force constituted under the Police Act, 1861 (V of 1861), and police-officer appointed under that Act to the police-force constituted under this Ordinance, and on such transfer such police-officer shall, for all purposes, be deemed to be a police-officer appointed under the law under which the police-force to which he is transferred is constituted.
Auxiliary police-officer
10. (1) The Police Commissioner may appoint any person to be an auxiliary police-officer to assist the Force on any occasion when he is of opinion that the Force is in need of such assistance.
(2) Every auxiliary police-officer shall, on appointment,-
(a) receive a certificate in the form set out in Schedule II;
(b) have the same powers and immunities, be liable to perform the same duties, be amenable to the same penalties and be subject to the same authority as any other police-officer.

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