
Laws of Bangladesh

The Insurance Act, 1938

( ACT NO. IV OF 1938 )

When Administrator for management of insurance business may be appointed
52A. (1) If at any time the Chief Controller has reason to believe that an insurer carrying on insurance business is acting in a manner likely to be prejudicial to the interest of holders of insurance policies, he may, after giving such opportunity to the insurer to be heard as he thinks fit, make a report thereon to the Government.
(2) The Government, if it is of opinion after considering the report that it is necessary or proper to do so, may appoint an Administrator to manage the affairs of the insurer under the direction and control of the Chief Controller.
(3) The Administrator shall receive such remuneration as the Government may direct and the Government may at any time cancel the appointment and appoint some other person as Administrator.
(4) The management of the business of the insurer shall as on and after the date of appointment of the Administrator vest in such Administrator but except with the leave of the Chief Controller the Administrator shall not issue any further policies.
(5) As on and after the date of appointment of the Administrator any person vested with any such management immediately prior to that date shall be divested of that management.
(6) The Chief Controller may issue such directions to the Administrator as to his powers and duties as he deems desirable in the circumstances of the case, and the Administrator may apply to the Chief Controller at any time for instructions as to the manner in which he shall conduct the management of the business of the insurer or in relation to any matter arising in the course of such management.

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