
Laws of Bangladesh

The Irrigation Act, 1876

( ACT NO. III OF 1876 )

Procedure on death of owner of village-channel
63. If any owner of a village-channel dies, his legal representative may apply for registration in his stead.
If no such application for registry be made within six weeks from the death of the said owner, the remaining registered owners of the village-channel, if any, shall be deemed to be owners of the entire interest in the village-channel, until some other person shall have established his claim to be registered as owner in place of the deceased.
If the deceased shall have been the sole registered owner, the canal-officer shall be deemed to be his representative for the purposes of this Part, and shall exercise all rights and be bound by all liabilities which attached to the deceased in respect of his ownership of the said village-channel, until some person shall have established his right to be registered as owner thereof in place of the deceased; and the canal-officer shall account to such person for all sums received and expended in the exercise of the rights and discharge of the liabilities which attached to the deceased in respect of such ownership.

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