
Laws of Bangladesh

The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898

( ACT NO. V OF 1898 )

Chapter XLVI


Previously convicted offenders

Order for notifying address of previously convicted offender
565.(1) When any person having been convicted–
(a) by a Court in Bangladesh of an offence punishable under section 215, section 489A, section 489B, section 489C, or section 489D of the Penal Code, or of any offence punishable under Chapter XII or Chapter XVII of that Code, with imprisonment of either description for a term of three years or upwards, or
1[* * *],
is again convicted of any offence punishable under any of those sections or Chapters with imprisonment for a term of three years or upwards by the High Court Division, Court of Session, 2[Metropolitan Magistrate], 3[***] or Magistrate of the first class, such Court or Magistrate may, if it or he thinks fit, at the time of passing sentence of transportation or imprisonment on such person, also order that his residence and any change of or absence from such residence after release be notified as herein after provided for a term not exceeding five years from the date of the expiration of such sentence.
(2) If such conviction is set aside on appeal or otherwise, such order shall become void.
(3) The Government may make rules to carry out the provisions of this section relating to the notification of residence or change of or absence from residence by released convicts.
(4) An order under this section may also be made by an Appellate Court or by the High Court Division when exercising its powers of revision.
(5) Any person charged with a breach of any such rule may be tried by a Magistrate of competent jurisdiction in the district in which the place last notified by him as his place of residence is situated.

  • 1
    Clause (b) was omitted by section 3 and 2nd Schedule of the Bangladesh Laws (Revision And Declaration) Act, 1973 (Act No. VIII of 1973)
  • 2
    The words "Metropolitan Magistrate" were inserted by the Schedule of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Ordinance, 1976 (Ordinance No. LXXXVI of 1976)
  • 3
    The words and comma “District Magistrate, Sub-divisional Magistrate” were omitted by section 99 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Act, 2009 (Act No. XXXII of 2009) (with effect from 1st November, 2007).
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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs